Localpharmaguide.com is the leading comprehensive directory and search engine for chemical and related industry professionals. Our databases of Web sites include more than 75,000 chemical industry related entities and contain the full text of millions of pages. Localpharmaguide.com provides specialized search services for chemical names, jobs, market research and consultants.

Local Pharma Guide provides professional buyers the most efficient and cost effective way to inquiry and purchase chemicals via directly linking the buyer and vendors in a single, search-and-inquiry (order) website with real time products data update and publication.

Local Pharma Guide provides an one-stop e-commerce purchasing service, which may help purchasing agents freed from their most tedious tasks such as supplier finding, data entry, checking price and availability, concentrate more on business-critical tasks such as supervising and approving orders, analyzing purchasing patterns, and devising new ways to better utilize your company's purchasing budget. Localpharmaguide.com provides advertisers with most targeted, cost effective tools to drive traffic to their web sites and to promote their products and services. We offer a variety of "pay per click" accounts and other advertising packages. Serving over 2.5 million searches per month, Localpharmaguide.com is the most visited chemical industry related site on the Web.

Local Pharma Guide aims to improve the efficiency of pharmaceutical, R&D, customer synthesis, advanced intermediates, CRO, specialty chemistry, fine chemicals, biological and chemical related industry.