Service Details

Custom Enzyme Production

>> Others
Creative Enzymes
New York, New York - United States
>> Chemical Manufacturer

Description & Specifications

Creative Enzymes is a manufacturer of enzymes and enzyme products. As a result, we are able to guarantee the ingredients that go into the products we produce. We pass this savings on to our customers. As we bring new products on-line, our customers have the ability to experience additional savings.

Traditional enzyme production relied on the natural hosts as raw materials, however genetic engineering has now given a choice for producing sufficient quantities of enzymes in selected production hosts including microorganisms and transgenic plants. We can custom produce milligram to multiple gram quantities of any protein or enzyme. In general, we use high fidelity PCR to amplify the gene of interest and clone the gene in a desired expression vector. Several recombinant clones are selected for DNA sequencing to obtain a clone with no mutations.

Manufacturing Process:

Finding the gene that makes the enzyme
Having found the perfect enzyme for the job, our scientists are now ready to find the gene that instructs the microorganism to produce the enzyme. Once the genetic code has been isolated, the researchers can improve the enzyme even further in many different ways.

Transferring the gene to our production organisms
In order to produce the enzyme in large quantities, Creative Enzymes combines the best of the original microorganism with safe and fast-growing production microorganisms. The gene from the original microorganism that codes for the enzyme is inserted into the production microorganism using modern biotechnology.

Making microorganisms produce enzymes
Fermentation of the desired clone is performed at the desired scale (8 liters, 16 liters, 100 liters, 400 liters, 800 liters), and the protein is purified chromatographically according to the customer’s specifications, in order to obtain desired purity. Production can be customized to accommodate customer needs.

For service quote, please contact us.